
Although the SWGA encourages walking by all participants and caddies, motorized transportation is permitted for participants during all Championship rounds.  Players are permitted to walk or use a cart during any round.


  1. The maximum number of carts allowed per group is two (2), with the maximum number of two (2) riders per cart. Only participants or his/her caddies may ride in the cart.  A caddie may only ride if doing so does not displace another participant.  (Caddies are not guaranteed the right to ride any day of the Championship).
  2. Spectators are not permitted to ride in participant carts. Spectators found to be riding in participant’s carts will be asked to cease doing so immediately.  If someone who doesn’t meet the description of a caddie is seen riding in a cart, the participant will be issued a warning for breaching the Spectator policy. Failure to comply may result in the entry of the player involved being withdrawn.
  3. The SWGA Tournament Committee reserves the right to prohibit non-players or caddies from riding at any point during the competition.
  4. The SWGA and Desert Mountain reserve the right to implement cart restrictions based on course playability including “Cart Path Only” or the “90-Degree Rule.”
  5. Participants driving carts must use Desert Mountain entrance and exit gates on holes that allow cart traffic in the fairways.

Caddies are permitted for the practice rounds and all rounds of the competition. Please arrange for your own caddie, as Desert Mountain does not have caddies at the ready.

IMPORTANT:  There will be a maximum of two (2) carts per group.  A caddie may ride in a cart only if another player is not displaced in doing so and only if space permits.  Having a caddie does not guarantee the caddie will be riding in a cart, nor that the player and caddie will share their own cart. Under no circumstances will three carts be allowed per group.

A participant will also have the option to walk with his/her caddie as well.  A participant may carry his/her own bag or use a push cart.  The player is responsible to ensure his/her caddie complies with all SWGA policies during the Championship.

Caddies may wear shorts and must comply with the same apparel, conduct and behavior policies as the players.


While spectators are welcome at the SWGA Championship, the use of carts by spectators is not permitted by the SWGA.  It is important that spectators do not jeopardize the play of any player on the course. Care should be taken to not disrupt the play of any competitor nor delay the play of any group competing in the Championship.

Spectators should have minimal verbal or physical contact with participants to avoid the possibility of a breach of a Rule. There must be no communication during the stipulated round that could be considered Advice.  Spectators who are interfering with play or are judged to be having too much contact with players, will be asked to discontinue or leave the course.

Spectators may follow groups but should remain on, near cart paths, or in the rough areas and maintain a distance from the players and their caddies at all times. Spectators are not permitted in fairways areas, on teeing area, putting greens or within bunkers at any time. Spectators should also be cognizant of play by the group behind them as well.



The following conditions shall regulate Rule 5.6, Unreasonable Delay; Prompt Pace of Play as defined by the SWGA Rules Committee.

The lead group to start either side will be considered “out of position” if at any time during the round, they exceed the allotted time to play as detailed on the Pace of Play Time Chart.

A subsequent group will be considered “out of position” if at any time during the round they (a) exceed the allotted time to play AND (b) reach the tee on a par 3 hole that is open and free of play, or fail to clear the tee of a par 4 or par 5 hole before that hole is open and free of play.  Both (a) and (b) above must apply for a group to be out of position.  A group out of position will be notified they are out of position and may be subject to timing.

  1. On a par three if a group fails to reach the teeing area before the group ahead clears the putting green.
  2. On a par five, a group fails to reach the area of their second shots before the group ahead clears the putting green.

The position of the group behind has no bearing on determining if a group’s pace of play is satisfactory.

When a Rules Official determines that a group or individual out of position will be timed, all players in the group, or the specific individual, will be informed they are being timed.  ANY individual player may be specifically monitored, regardless of the groups position. If observed to delay the group in any form, fails to assist the group to regain its position, or takes excessive time to play a stroke, the player is subject to penalty after receiving one “Bad Time” warning.

The Rules Committee will endeavor to determine if an individual is responsible or if the group is collectively delaying play. Any player in a group receiving an “OFFICIAL WARNING” or a “BAD TIME,” may be penalized for failing to play any subsequent stroke within 40 seconds from the time it is his/her turn to play or for repeated failures to regain its groups position. The timing of a player’s stroke will begin when he/she has reasonable opportunity to reach his/her ball, it is his/her turn to play and he/she can play without interference or distraction. This timing for a player to make a stroke shall include the time necessary to determine yardage and select a club for play.


  1. First Penalty – 1 stroke on the hole currently being played.
  2. Second Penalty – 2 strokes on the hole currently being played.
  3. Third Penalty – Disqualification.

A group has regained its position if it’s either under the TIME PAR or if applicable, none of conditions apply in the “Out of Position” section above, but only if it stays in position for the remainder of the stipulated round. All warnings and “bad individual timings” remain in effect for the duration of the stipulated round.


Following the lead of the LPGA, USGA and R&A, the Southwestern Golf Association has adopted the following gender policy for the Women’s Championship of the Southwestern Amateur:  All players must have been assigned female at birth or have transitioned to female prior to going through male puberty to be eligible to compete in the Women’s Southwestern Amateur Championship.


The SWGA may reject an entry application, revoke an accepted application or expel from the Championship any player or caddie who engages in conduct that is unbecoming.  By submitting an entry, each player understands that acceptance of his/her entry and his/her participation is at the sole discretion of the SWGA.

The SWGA expects all players, caddies, spectators and guests to exhibit proper conduct and behavior on the golf course as well as anywhere on club property.  Unbecoming conduct or behavior may be grounds for immediate disqualification, at any time.  Such conduct may include, but is not limited to:

  1. Failure to show up for the event;
  2. Failure to personally notify the Tournament Director when withdrawing;
  3. Damage or destruction of golf course, club facilities or the player’s equipment;
  4. Verbal or physical abuse of players, caddies, spectators, officials, volunteers or staff;
  5. Blatant or excessive profanity;
  6. Disorderly behavior, conduct which is unbecoming to the competition;
  7. Failure to comply with club rules;
  8. Club-throwing or unnecessary club-tossing;
  9. Fighting or potential endangerment of others;
  10. Alcohol and/or substance abuse;
  11. Violation of any other Championship policy or unbecoming conduct.

Players reported or observed to be in violation of the conduct and behavior policy will be referred to the Rules Committee for disciplinary action. Penalties may include penalty strokes or loss of playing privileges as solely determined by the Rules Committee based on the severity of the violation and numbers of occurrences.


During this Championship, the use of electronic distance measuring devices to measure distance is allowed (subject to certain requirements).  If during a stipulated round, a player uses any device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g., slope, wind speed, temperature, etc.) the player is in breach of Rule 4.3a, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such additional function is actually used.


Prohibited use of Audio Equipment:  During a round, a player is not allowed to use an electronic device to listen to music or other audio (podcasts or the like), including using speakers, headphones or earbuds. Usage of electronic devices that disrupt play is not permitted by players or caddies. Penalty for breach of Local Rule – see Rule 4.3.


Appropriate golf footwear is required and Desert Mountain Club maintains a year-round soft spike policy. Inappropriate footwear includes, but is not limited to, flip-flops, non-golf sandals as well as bare feet. This applies to caddies as well.

Model Local Rule G-7 as prescribed in Section 8 of the Committee Procedures is in effect.  Rule 4.3a is modified in this way:  During a round, a player must not make a stroke when wearing shoes with traditional spikes or spikes of any design that are entirely or partially made of metal.


The SWGA dress code applies to contestants, caddies and spectators and will be strictly enforced during the Championship. Suitable golf attire must be worn at all times and includes the following:

For men, attire required at all times on all courses and practice areas includes shirts with short or long sleeves and collars or mock turtlenecks and slacks or mid-length shorts. Shirt tails must be tucked in and golf caps and visor brims must be forward-facing.

For women, attire required at all times on all courses and practice areas includes golf shirts, capris, slacks, appropriate length shorts, golf skirts or skorts, or tasteful clothing similar to golf attire offered for sale at the golf pro shops. Golf cap and visor brims must be forward-facing.

Inappropriate attire includes, but is not limited to, short shorts, casual cargo shorts/pants, shorts/pants with protruding pockets, cut-offs, running and gym shorts, yoga pants, jogging suits, sweat pants, tank tops, racer-back tops, men’s sleeveless shirts, t-shirts and denim.


The official time is determined by the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s WWVB Radio Signal from the USA Atomic Clock, and is kept at the starting tee(s) or registration area. The official time is the time on the clock at your starting tee.

Players must start at the times and in the order arranged by the SWGA Rules Committee. It is the players responsibility to be at the assigned starting tee and at the assigned starting time.  The general penalty (two-strokes) will be incurred if a player is late for his/her starting time, but tees off within five (5) minutes of the assigned starting time. Any player failing to arrive on the tee within five (5) minutes of his/her starting time will be disqualified.



Each player will sign his/her scorecard, properly attest his/her fellow-competitor’s scorecard by reporting to the tournament scoring area outside the clubhouse immediately following play. We require each player to remain in the scoring area until scores are verified for the entire group.  Players failing to perform all duties within the scoring area are subject to disqualification.

There will be live scoring available during the Championship rounds.  Scoring volunteers will be stationed every three holes to record the previous three hole scores for each player.

The signed and attested physical scorecard is the official score of record for each participant, not any live or digital score.



Practice during tournament week is permitted only on the designated practice range and practice putting greens. One practice round has been established for each competitor and is included within the entry fee. Requests for practice round tee times must be made directly by contacting the Head Professional directly at the Outlaw Golf Shop.  See the Practice Rounds and Facilities in the Player Information section.


Any player, caddie or spectator requiring medical assistance should contact an onsite official or Director who will request immediate assistance.